Monday, June 6, 2011

barry bonds rookie

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  • barkomatic
    Apr 22, 08:43 AM
    So essentially this law is saying the the state government of North Dakota would cease to exist and there would be anarchy. If no one needs to follow laws, that's really what this amendment means.

    However, what makes it extra silly is that North Dakota can't secede from the Union, so the residents would still be subject to Federal law. That would spoil the party.

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  • arry bonds rookie card joke.

  • madmaxmedia
    Nov 8, 02:32 PM
    And not only Excel, but to 100% guarantee things look the same, you need to use the PC version (if you're dealing with PC customers) and you need to make sure you use a font that they have, the same screen resolution they are running, etc.

    That's a good point. I have no problems myself, but it's not 'mission critical' stuff where I'm emailing reports to customers, etc. I have a Mac and my co-workers have PC's, and we have had no problems with inter-office compatibility.

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  • arry bonds rookie. arry onds

  • Blue Velvet
    Sep 25, 08:51 PM
    how to post a pic?

    Either link to one on the web placing the URL within the xxx tags (check the little yellow box above the reply field) or...

    When posting a reply, use the 'Manage Attachments' function where it says 'Additional Options' just below the reply field � you can upload a picture from your computer this way.

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  • arry bonds rookie card spoof.

  • kutsushita
    May 5, 12:45 AM
    i noticed better battery life today using my phone regularly as well as a MP3 player. it was minimal but a nice enough change to notice.


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  • Barry Bonds Rookie Card

  • chrono1081
    Apr 23, 08:06 AM
    Technically you can't return a digital download so they would in effect be giving it to you free hence the lack of refunds.

    It is the same reason retailers don't have to offer refunds on CDs, DVDs or Games (at least in the UK). You can quite easily buy the CD or whatever, rip it and then return it and get it for free.

    +1. In the U.S. its actually illegal (for the business) to return an opened copy of a software or CD and exchange it for something else (I understand the OPs situation is different). I used to work at Circuit City and Best Buy about 12 years ago (and before that KB Toys) and we used to have training on this. Any exception that is made results in the store taking the full hit.

    Digital downloads obviously can't be refunded because who's to say someone didn't keep the file on their computer?

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  • Barry Bonds 1987 Topps Rookie

  • yippy
    Nov 3, 10:33 PM
    MyPhotoAlbum looks good, free, decent interface and access to full rez pictures. Only problems is that you can't use it to host images and it doesn't have any Mac upload tools so that is a bit slower. I can deal with the slow uploading and maybe I could use a free flickr account to host images to put directly in my blog. Not a big fan of mixing and matching but if I want to go the free rout I doubt I have a choice.

    Thanks for the recommendations so far.


    barry bonds rookie. Barry Bonds - 1987 Donruss
  • Barry Bonds - 1987 Donruss

  • Shagrat
    Oct 29, 12:16 PM
    Thanks, Shagrat! I hadn't heard of that site, it looks like it could be very useful! :cool:

    Great site, not unlike this one:- a lot of people who seem to enjoy a good barney every once in a while. Some N00bs, some real old hands, a good mix!

    Been going there for a while. :D

    barry bonds rookie. 1987 Topps #320 Barry Bonds
  • 1987 Topps #320 Barry Bonds

  • p0intblank
    Dec 6, 03:00 PM
    It's not myspace so much folks as it is all the relatively novice computer users dumping all sort of odd code into their page. WMP is a problem simple because we dont have the latest version windows user have, the easiest thing to do is go to the security tab in safari preferences and un check enable plugins, since ive started that ive not had a single myspace crash.

    That's a nice tip. Thanks! But does anyone know if MS ever plans on releasing WMP10?


    barry bonds rookie. Barry Bonds Rookie Card
  • Barry Bonds Rookie Card

  • ViraltisticTech
    Apr 8, 05:21 PM

    HAHAHA i agree.

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  • Bonds is generally considered

  • Macaroony
    Apr 22, 02:56 AM
    Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
    Hello, anybody home?


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  • 1986 Fleer Update BARRY BONDS

  • Fubar1977
    Feb 21, 06:03 AM
    Better hope he actually gets to see whatever he has built in its place.

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  • Barry Bonds Rookie 1986 Fleer

  • LethalWolfe
    May 4, 03:46 PM
    Good. Pay your taxes amazon. Why should they not have to? If there were a federal law in place they would have no other options. No more tax breaks for corporations.

    Don't you mean pay your taxes Amazon customers? The reprieve was on people living in SC not having to pay sales tax on things they buy via Amazon.



    barry bonds rookie. 1987 Topps # 320 Barry Bonds
  • 1987 Topps # 320 Barry Bonds

  • Badger^2
    May 4, 04:33 AM
    iMacs have never had HDMI ports.

    you just need the right adapter:

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  • arry bonds rookie card.

  • mnkeybsness
    Aug 25, 06:05 PM
    are you surrounding the <embed> tag with an <object> tag?

    <object height="24" width="100">
    <embed src="mysongname.mp3" autostart="true" hidden="true" loop="true" />


    barry bonds rookie. Barry Bonds 1987 Fleer
  • Barry Bonds 1987 Fleer

  • blevins321
    May 3, 09:23 AM
    Hmm not sure about the booting problem since it gets that far. There's another virtualization program called VirtualBox that's open-source and maintained by Sun/Oracle. Here ( the link. It's free. Works the same way as the others, except it's not as integrated.

    barry bonds rookie. arry bonds rookie card joke
  • arry bonds rookie card joke

  • Huntn
    Mar 30, 08:26 PM
    My MPB has a 200GB hardrive. I'm running 32 bit Vista. I tend to play Windows games so I allocated 80GB to Windows but then purchased two small (3x5x.5") travel hard drives- a 200GB drive for Windows and a 500GB drive for Mac stuff. This arrangement has worked well for me.


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  • arry bonds rookie card.

  • Frozonecold
    Mar 13, 10:03 AM
    Is a scratch on the screen covered by Applecare?

    barry bonds rookie. Click to enlarge
  • Click to enlarge

  • pivo6
    Feb 17, 07:21 PM
    Thanks Captain Obvious. I was just being sarcastic.

    Then it's good that you started a thread about it. :rolleyes:

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  • arry bonds rookie pic.

  • iGav
    Feb 16, 08:34 AM
    but yes the packaging and the labeling

    Just the labelling (, but the minimalist Nutella, clear Schweppes & Red Bull all look far more sophisticated IMHO.

    Apr 7, 05:13 AM
    Same here in Holland, awful service and always pushing the dates if they haven't got it in stock. Within a week might end up being within 6 months. perhaps.

    May 5, 06:29 AM
    There should be a -1000 button for threads like these... Or - "Lowest Ranked".
    the OP's post was obviously in jest and quite funny. are you that humorless about apple projects that you can't have a little fun?

    Mar 3, 06:40 PM
    Heard a lot of good things about these bags and was thinking of getting one. I have a 12" Powerbook and usually carry an external HDD, Ipod, PDA and a binder and a couple of notebooks. I was looking at the "Wack-o-Phone" or the "Very Busy Man" but not sure which would fit my needs better because I don't want the bag to be bigger than necessary. Does anyone here own these bags?

    Or is there any other one you would like to recommend?


    Very Busy Man


    Edit: Also where would be the cheapest place t get these bags?

    Tampa Tom
    Oct 19, 08:35 PM
    ...but the line was so long we went to Crazy Buffet to eat sushi and came back at 9. We'll be there for the Big Cat. Hope they're handing out scratch cards with neat prizes.

    Apr 11, 05:13 PM

    This screenshot doesn't look anything like Mac AppStore IMO, and doesn't resemble iTunes ( the iOS AppStore ) either, much. It looks much more 'windows' like than Apple-like. If I looked at that screenshot without knowing its an appStore I'd immediately guess 'windows' over Apple.

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